Kriyat Habonim Blog
Justice and Morality and the 10 Commandments
Shabbat Shalom all! It is that time again in the week that we sit back, relax and hang with our family or friends. But it is also time for this week’s parsha. This week’s parsha is Yitro and some pretty big events occur. For starters Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law)...
A Lesson on Leadership from Moses and Sacks
This week’s parsha is that of Be’Shalach (‘when he let go’) and is the 16th parsha of the Torah. The parsha begins with the Israelites fleeing from Pharaoh, the story of the Red Sea splitting, the story of Moses and the rock and ends with the battle of Joshua and the...
Pharaoh and the Question of Free Will
This week’s parsha is Bo (Come). This parsha mainly consists of: the final 3 plagues in Egypt, the handing over of the first Mitzvah and also the beginning of the Jewish lunar calendar. The main question that arises for me from this parsha is that at multiple times...
Moses and Aaron – The Story of Partners
This week’s parsha is that of Va’eira in the Book of Exodus. It is in this parsha that the back and forth between Moses and Pharaoh ends with the 10 plagues (which we all know from the Pesach story, and will therefore be focussed on during Pesach). What is more...
Chanukah: Presents or Presence?
Chanukah presents are great, but it’s the presence of Chanukah that really matters. Chanukah has always been one of everyone’s favourite chaggim - and rightly so! Who wouldn’t love an eight-day binge fest on sugary, extra jammy doughnuts, deep fried latkes and...
An Insight Into The Life Of A Madrich
Looking back on Machaneh, after the reunion, it became clear the direction that I as a Madrich wanted the movement to go e.g. knowing what the movement offers; such as the ability to make ones inner self feel truly comfortable within its surroundings. I witnessed this...
Being a Jew in a Christian country, at Christmas.
November has begun. Having attended a multi-faith school for 7 years, I know that this means, the start of the countdown to Christmas for my non-Jewish friends. As a traditional Jew, it always felt a little strange; my friends chatted and buzzed about what presents...
Rabin’s Legacy: Peace or Democracy?
Rabin’s Legacy: Peace or Democracy? One of the single most meaningful, inspiring and all round positive memories I have from my Shnat year in Israel is attending the annual Rabin memorial rally in Kikar Rabin, Tel-Aviv. The energy in that square was electric, the sea...
Abraham – A Common Ancestor
This week's parsha is Lech Lecha. This is a story about Abraham and Sarah travelling to Egypt and back to Canaan.The main theme of the story is Abraham's loyalty to God. After acquiring wealth in Egypt and saving his nephew from kidnap, Abraham returns to Canaan and...
Parshat Noach
Parshat Noach - By Noah Bickler Shabbat Shalom Chaverim! This weeks parsha follows the story of Noah. It is not the tale of and the epic life of a north Leeds Jew nor does it feature Russell Crowe and Emma Watson. Instead it tells the tale of the only righteous man in...