Kriyat Habonim Blog

‘What is Pesach about?’ by Eloise Shneck

In an ever-secularising world, I often wonder what it is about Jewish festivals that allow them to remain so constant and significant. To an outsider, an occasion such as Pesach might seem strange and weirdly culty; “Yeah, you drink four cups of wine but only when we say you’re allowed. This paste represents the cement that we used to build the pyramids, and this salt water is the tears of the Jews. And you have to eat it.” …

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Purim Post 2023

The story of Purim is one that illustrates a period of persecution targeted against the Jewish people. It marks a time where Jews were faced with a dilemma, do they conceal their Jewish identity for survival purposes or do they stand together in solidarity and pride?

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What does Sukkot mean in 2021?

Similar to many Jewish festivals, Sukkot commemorates a journey. A journey involving pain, suffering and struggle, but one where the goal justifies the means. We remember the 40 years spent in the desert, travelling to the Promised Land, an idealised safe haven of salvation and liberation.

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Election update from Israel…

With nearly 90% of the votes counted, it looks like the 4th election in two years is as indecisive as the last three. Netanyahu (Likud) is going to have a tough time forming a coalition. Based on current results, he will need both Naftali Bennett (Yamina) and Mansour...

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Yom Kippur

Reflection, self-evaluation, and the opportunity for apology and change. I have always loved the message behind Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the period in between. In my humble opinion, it’s important for everyone to take the time to ask: Mirror, mirror in my...

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Arbaim Shana

Arbaim Shana As this song focuses on the Jewish people’s 40 year stint in the desert, some emotions are brought to the fore. When I think about all those who were stuck in the wilderness for all that time, I cannot imagine how hopeless, aimless and overwhelmed they...

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Shavuot is a festival that typically marks when the Jews received the Torah and Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Apart from this and the custom of eating cheesecake, that was about the extent to the knowledge I had of this chag. As a cultural Jew, at first glance, a...

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Sivan Rosh Chodesh Knowledge Bomb

The Australia Wildfire; How You Contributed and How We Can Help   At-least 28 humans were killed in the wildfire in Australia, earlier this year and late last year, and over one billion animals have also been wiped out along with 17.9 million acres of land...

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Yom Ha’azmaut

During this time of confusion and isolation, it is increasingly difficult to find the positives within everyday life. Yom Ha’atzmaut, however, is something that should be celebrated - even if, this year, it’s just within your immediate family. Translated to the day of...

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Yom Ha’zikaron

Yom Ha’zikaron, the day of remembrance. One of the saddest days in the Israeli calendar situated directly before Yom Ha’atzmaut. Israel’s Independence Day and one of the happiest days in the Israeli calendar. Why? How can we be so happy such a short time after the...

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