Yom Ha’azmaut

During this time of confusion and isolation, it is increasingly difficult to find the positives within everyday life. Yom Ha’atzmaut, however, is something that should be celebrated – even if, this year, it’s just within your immediate family. Translated to the...

Yom Ha’zikaron

Yom Ha’zikaron, the day of remembrance. One of the saddest days in the Israeli calendar situated directly before Yom Ha’atzmaut. Israel’s Independence Day and one of the happiest days in the Israeli calendar. Why? How can we be so happy such a short time after the...

Iyyar Rosh Chodesh Knowledge Bomb

The Only Jew in the Village Growing up Jewish at a non-Jewish state school “Jewish or Private?” This was one of the first questions my mother was asked a few months before I entered secondary school. “Neither, she’s going to the local mixed comprehensive.” My mum...

Habonim Dror United Kingdom Yom HaShoah Tekkes 2020:

Habonim Dror United Kingdom Yom Hashoah Tekkes 2020: Remembering Through Memory On Tuesday 21stApril, Habonim Dror came together with members, alumni and parents to commemorate Yom Hashoah. Our movement members bravely and beautifully shared the memories of their...


We’re approaching pesach – one of the holiest chaggim in the Jewish calendar. We celebrate the emancipation of the Jews from Egyptian rule and think deeply into what it means to be oppressed. Whilst I’m all for delving into my Jewish history and learning about...